La Candelaria! Street Art!

August 20, 2021

Street Art, such as this, permeates La Candelaria!! It is also tucked into many places throughout Bogota. So, although I am just now posting about it….it was an every day every moment type of experience. I just found it to be such a significant contributor to the overall experience, that I saved it for my last post 🙂 !!

While I travel a lot…the destination is not the primary…it is actually secondary to the human and cultural story. So yes, throughout the years…you will usually see a couple somewhere in there expressing themselves!! Yes! I’m a believer…. 🙂 You’ve heard it, ‘Art mimicking Life’…or vice-versa…you get it…beauty…

A special treat…. ‘una sorpresa especial…’ ….

And…as I mentioned – the human story! This gentleman was the ‘capstone’ of the trip. Kindness just exuded from his pours to the degree that as soon as you walked into the room you felt at ease, accepted, and at home. Part look – Part personality….He somewhat reminds me of this ‘tango organizer’ guy I know in Charlotte, NC 🙂

This guy, I would love to see again…

I enjoyed sharing these moments with you….I am getting caught up…

Let us meet again soon!!


One of those days when you get up feeling appreciative and excited about what the day may hold. Without many significant plans, just going to wander…and pass on by…pause and enjoy a nice cafe…practice a little Spanish…or broken Spanish, whatever you want to call it…this post…just sharing the day….

Look at that art!! Got a ‘big treat for you in a few days when I highlight La Candelaria! Street Art!! 🙂 Very nice young man! Easing out into the day, and right into all the local dynamic…chillin…

It is a lovely day!! Plenty of good vibes, interesting sights, obviously plenty of things that you do not see every day…and as a book lover, I have to love this…

Books, books, books…I love that…everywhere…and of course ‘shout out to my tango friends’….Carlos Gardel in a hat shop chilling in Bogota… 🙂

Today is really a strolling day…cafe, nice shoes, cap…maybe yes…maybe no…let’s see what we come upon. And, behold one of the things I really love above about many of these countries….la plaza… grande…Plaza de Bolivar…

Just stopping and taking in the views and the feelings….

These places always give me a bit of pause. Quite the dynamic to read about the history of a place and its people, and then come and sit and consider what their lives have experienced. Not the the sites, the easy part….but, what takes place on the inside….if you consider Columbian history not just in this city or plaza…but, throughout the country…then…

Shout out to My Man!! Nice enough to take a break and let me get on in! 🙂 I look like I need to eat more… 🙂

Stopping for a short break…not tired…just absorbing the moments!! Sometimes, I will delay posting these trips because I like to let them get inside of me a bit more. But, then also because looking back…I feel it all over again! And, it is such a beautiful feeling…as if I am reliving it! Break at ‘Cafe de Luna’….

Righteous vibe…sandwich…let’s just say that I made sure to go on Trip Advisor and leave a review….when I go back to La Candelaria!! Indeed…and initial stop!!

Back to the stroll!! Now keep in mind, what we are looking at was not the result of a long cab or uber ride! This is simply walking…this area is very walkable if you are in moderate/decent shape with good shoes…take your time…soak it in…around town a bit…all this, mind you, settled into the mountain elevation…

Strolling through these areas landing at a wonderful reminder of the historical significance and dynamics associated with Columbia! Just like the Plaza de Bolivar, now ‘Casa Museo Quinta de Bolivar’. I try not to get too far into didactics here…as I mentioned, just a guy roaming the world. However, the significance of Simon Bolivar to South America can the world…can not be overstated…beautiful to be here…and take this into me…

Reflecting back, I recall sitting in the garden of Simon Bolivar’s house feeling the good fortune of that specific moment. moment. And, now I feel it again. Such a reminder on how we have to take in these moments, hold on to them, build our lives with them…as times change…life changes…but, we can still build on it! Ahhhh….Simon!! Muchas Gracias!! 🙂

Ohhh, the day isn’t done yet…

And within a very short distance…behold…the mountain top that dominates the skyline of Bogota…part of the Andes Mountain Range…standing at a grand elevation of 10,341 feet…Ahhhh….


I have to tell you!! I am not a man of heights…the ride to the top was not my favorite moment…but, it was necessary…and worth it…up there is a shrine…restaurants…eateries….but, most importantly….it is an opportunity….but, it is for each of us to determine what that opportunity is….as we said… ‘Aqui la magica, comienza contigo’…

I know that I am very fortunate….

I know this!! Although the vicissitudes of life makes this realization, at times, mentally and emotionally averse…and difficult to hold on to!! Yet, we must remember that life isn’t just vicissitudes…let us keep that in mind!! All of this is dedicated to regardless of the vicissitudes….try to see the best in ourselves….and the best in life…maybe that can help us see the best in others….


La Candelaria!!

August 18, 2021

Got situated, popped a squat…excited…time to roll…..Soooo… I am definitely not an expert on Latino or Hispanic culture! However, I am no rookie either!! I regularly take Spanish language lessons…listen to the music a lot…read books on it as such…but, just as much I travel regularly to those countries…and I mean I’ve been to more than a couple, obviously…some more than several times…

One thing I absolutely love…is how you see so many age ranges of the families in all types of places…instantly!! To me, from my experiences…tends to be not so common!! Young people practicing their art, skateboarders, mingling in the streets between cars, the asado shop (barbequing it up)! Gotta get me some them overalls when I get back 🙂

Always, such a mix a people, ages, functions, uses…kinda matches how ecletic these environments tend to be…as I said…bring your own fantasies with you…the environment will bring them out into your reality…and who doesn’t love a ‘cafe’ that doesn’t feel alive…

But, mis amigos, this one thing that also lets you know how chilled the environment actually can be….a chilled, relaxed, dog day afternoon…

Chuckle!!! I love it!! Everywhere…and the dogs look cared for….not just stray or feral…I mean…siesta time for every one 🙂 Even the one hanging at the restaurant door…okay…so the one walking with the officer looks a little uptight!! But, hey…there is always one 🙂 But, as I mentioned, regardless to what the social write-ups said about safety. This place had serious security around it. It is in proximity to the Capital Square which I’ll show later. So you have the Capital police, military police, regular police (and undercover), and tourist police. They make sure things are locked down around the area as they are also attempting to build up an alternative economy based on tourism…and, it is working!! Looks Great!!

Sometimes you just don’t need a lot of words, the corridors, buildings, simple and complex designs….just a lovely place to come chill…

If you notice, there is some serious elevation going! If you have heart issues or have a problem slowing down, then be mindful…it will make you stop and pop a squat. The weather is amazing as the elevation is amazing!! And, it is nice just to chill and stroll…

Always a place close by for a cafe, or a nibble (delicious food), and if you pay attention…like in the first picture with the green highlights – there is always someone watching 🙂

One lovely dynamic though that really set the day off…is La Candelaria at night!! As I mentioned before, the entertainment is family oriented…all ages…and such a good onda (vibe)…it pulls you in…

Story telling, acrobatics, and the crowd…the full crowd is completely engaged!! I am not talking about tourists from the United States! Frankly, I didn’t see many there!! Locals…it was amazing and so captivating just to watch…full family fun in the middle of the night! Of course there were a few that the undercovers had to help find their way…always one we say!! But, overall…just good stuff…

And, if you really knew what was going on…you looked for this…

As my friend says, “MAMMA MIA”!!!!! NOW this WOMAN could THROW DOWN!! Do you see that grill…now that meat was good…but, the corn was MOTHER OF GOD RIGHTEOUS!!! Anthony Bourdain, would of took up a spot in the line!! I mean by the time we got done…my teeth couldn’t get anymore corn in between them!! What a cool chilled evening…and this was just the beginning…

Remember what I said about ‘magical realism’…get off the kool-aid…you bring it with you…as it says right here in the middle of La Candelaria!!

It says on the wall, “AQUI LA MAGIA…COMIENZA CONTIGO” – Here the magic begins with you!!

Lo Amo!! It, I love….


A family friend of mine, a Harvard trained Ph.d. in Anthropology always teases me about how in my travels I am a budding anthropologist because of my curiosity about so many cultures. Always love him!! If I were to focus on that view, I might start this off with a discussion on magical realism. Not because of the stereotypes spread by shows like ‘Narcos’ – which I did enjoy 🙂 But, more along the lines of the artistic expressions. Although the magical realism, was initially ascribed to a painting style, and then to latin writers, and then back again to maestras such as Frida Kahlo. My ventures are less about that structure, and more about I’m just a regular person who is exploring, feeling, experience, asking questions!!

For me magical realism, this mix of fantasy and reality, is what each of us bring with us! We have our perceptions of reality tinged and sometimes overwhelmed with fantasy! So it is less about discovering it in Columbia, and more about what magical realism I am bringing with me 🙂

Beyond the stereotypes of the cocaine trade, implications are real but unfair for many people…there are many people with a beautiful cultural lineage that has developed through the filters and vicissitudes of time. Interestingly, when I began to research the trip so many places listed most of the neighborhoods as dangerous. So I called a friend of mine who provided the insight; thus, land in La Candelaria!!

At this point, I usually ask… “Can you feel it? Can you?” Forget about the theoretical concepts of magical realism…can you feel your own move inside of you? chuckling…the mountains, the clouds and fog, the trees and elevation…the richness of the colors…. OKAY, OKAY!! I’m going to leave it at that…But, this place…Hell with the stereotypes, has magic as you shall see!! But, first stop…

The abode! As you know, I’m all about the experience…in the culture. Now admittedly, La Candelaria has a lot of tourist components….probably something that can’t be avoided this time. However, there is a very strong local mix…dynamic that allows for a bit of both if you are interested in digging. So, a small quaint, affordable, safe, clean…Airbnb:

Beautiful and quaint courtyard full of life! Kitchenette and front room up to the task! For me, close and comfortable…didn’t come all this way for a hotel/motel room…just need a nice place that allows for some rest and replenishment…so much to see…and,

And, what about these views…most of the day…every day…downtown, mountains, the sky, the breeze, life in the form of a bird of prey….1st day and I’m in love with this place…my magical realism is blossoming…and taking over…

As you may be able to tell, I am catching up with my posts…but, revisiting this trip is very exciting…La Candelaria, Bogota, and More….Here We Come!!

Arribamos!! 🙂